Legal warning



Legal notice and conditions of use

The revised document 17/10/2017


Thank you for reading this disclaimer, it is important to know the legal terms that define our relationship in this web.

The use of certain services offered on this site is governed by the Conditions of Contract provided in each case, which can replace, completar y/o modificar las presentes Condiciones de Uso. Tus datos y tu privacidad son de suma importancia para y por eso te recomendamos que leas también nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Responsible identifier

In compliance with the Law 34/2002, from 11 of July, services of information society and electronic commerce, informs you that:

Name: José Vicente Martínez Arias
CIF/ NIF 45674942R
Calle Lauaxeta nº 15 3ºC, 48980- Santurce, Bizkaia – Spain

vmartinez arroba desamark punto com


The purpose of this website

  • Suministrar contenidos relacionados con marketing online y venta de libros en formato digital .
  • Manage the list of subscribers and moderating blog comments.
  • Gestionar la red de afiliados y anunciantes.
  • Commercialize own services and third.

Using the web

In using the web The user undertakes not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, the interests and rights of or third parties or which could damage, disable or overload the web or prevent, anyway, the normal use of the web. adopts reasonably adequate security measures to detect the existence of viruses. However, the user must be aware that security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and, therefore can not guarantee the absence of virus or other elements that may cause alterations in computer systems (software and hardware) User or their electronic documents and files contained therein.

In any case, It is prohibited USERS (PORTAL may remove the content and comments it deems appropriate) conduct involving conduct:

  • To stock, publish and / or transmit data, texts, images, files, links, software or other objectionable content under applicable laws, or as estimated by as illegal, violent, threatening, abusive, slanderous, common, obscene, racist, xenophobic or objectionable or otherwise unlawful or which may cause damage of any kind, particularly pornographic.

User obligations

The user is informed, and accepts, that access to this website does not, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with José Vicente Martínez Arias this way, the user agrees to use the Web site, its services and contents without infringing current legislation, good faith and public order. You may not use the web for illegal or harmful purposes, or what, anyway, they can damage or impede the normal operation of the website.

Regarding the content of this website, it's prohibited:

  • reproduction, distribution or modification, total or partial, unless you have permission from their rightful owners;
  • Any violation of the rights of the provider or the legitimate owners;
  • Its use for commercial or advertising purposes.

Policy Privacy and confidentiality guarantees the confidentiality of personal data provided by users and its treatment according to the legislation on protection of personal data, Having adopted the security levels of protection of personal data legally required.

José Vicente Martínez Arias commits to the use of the data included in the "Web Users and Subscribers" file, to respect its confidentiality and use them according to the purpose of the, and to comply with its obligation to keep it and adopt all measures to prevent alteration, lost, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1720/2007 from 21 December approving the Regulations implementing the Organic Law approved 15/1999 from 13 from December, Protection of Personal Data.

Esta web utiliza diferentes sistemas de captura de información personal especificados en la Política de Privacidad y donde se informa sobre los usos y finalidades de manera detallada. This website always requires the prior consent of users to treat their personal data for the purposes indicated.

The user has the right to revoke your consent at any time.

Exercise ARCO rights

Users may exercise, respect of the data collected, the rights recognized in the Organic Law 15/1999, access, correction or deletion of data and opposition. To exercise these rights, the user must make a written and signed request can send, along with a photocopy of your ID or equivalent identification document, al domicilio postal de José Vicente Martínez Arias (this is, Calle Lauaxeta nº 15 3ºC, 48980- Santurce, Bizkaia – Spain) or email, attached photocopy of DNI: vmartinez arroba Before 10 days will respond to the request to confirm the implementation of the law you have requested to exercise.


José Vicente Martínez Arias reports that there are complaint forms available to users and customers.

El usuario podrá realizar reclamaciones solicitando su hoja de reclamación o remitiendo un correo electrónico a vmartinez arroba indicando su nombre y apellidos, the service or product purchased and stating the reasons for your claim.

You can also direct your complaint by mail addressed to: José Vicente Martínez Arias, Calle Lauaxeta nº 15 3ºC, 48980- Santurce, Bizkaia – Spain using, if you desired, el siguiente formulario de reclamación:

For the attention of: José Vicente Martínez Arias

Calle Lauaxeta nº 15 3ºC, 48980- Santurce, Bizkaia – Spain

  • E-mail: vmartinez arroba
  • User name:
  • User's home:
  • User Signature (only if it filed on paper):
  • Date:
  • Reason for complaint:

Intellectual property rights and industrial

Mediante estas Condiciones Generales no se cede ningún derecho de propiedad intelectual o industrial sobre la web cuya propiedad intelectual pertenece a José Vicente Martínez Arias, User expressly prohibited reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public, extraction, reuse, forwarding or use of any nature, by whatever means, any of them, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The user knows and accepts that the entire website, containing but not limited to text, software, content (including structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of the same) pictures, audiovisual material and recipes, It is protected by trademarks, copyright and other legitimate rights reserved, in accordance with international treaties to which Spain is party and other proprietary rights and laws of Spain.

In the event that a user or third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights of intellectual property by the introduction of a specific content on the Web, deberá notificar dicha circunstancia a indicando:

  • Personal data of the holder of the rights allegedly infringed, or indicate the representation with which acts in the event that this claim other than the interested third parties.
  • Report protected by intellectual property rights and its location on the Web, accreditation of intellectual property rights mentioned and express declaration in which the interested party takes responsibility for the veracity of the information provided in the notification

External links

Web pages provide links to other own content and websites that are owned by third parties. not responsible in any way for the results that may result to the user by accessing these links.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility

Lender makes no warranty and is not responsible, in no case, for damages of any kind that may result from:

  • Unavailability, maintenance and effective operation of the website or its services and content;
  • The existence of virus, malicious or harmful programs in the contents;
  • Illicit use, negligent, fraudulent or contrary to this Legal Notice;
  • The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.

The provider is not liable under any circumstances for any damage that may arise from the illegal or improper use of this website.

Law and Jurisdiction

In general relations with the users of its telematic services, present on this website, They are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction and the Courts of Bizkaia.


En caso de que cualquier Usuario tuviese alguna duda acerca de este aviso legal o cualquier comentario sobre la web puede dirigirse a vmartinez arroba reserves the right to change, at any time and without notice, the presentation and configuration of the web as this legal notice.



Terms and conditions



These terms have been updated for the last time 08/12/2016

Before hiring any of the services put at your disposal on this website, es imprescindible que leas las condiciones y los términos que se aplican a la prestación de los servicios que ofrece propios de su actividad principal de Servicios de marketing online y venta de libros en formato digital.

The user can only access these services and hire after reading and accepting these contract conditions.

By accepting these conditions the user is bound by these terms, what, together with the Privacy Policy, govern our business relationship.

If you do not agree with some of the terms, you can not contract the services offered. se reserva el derecho a modificar o cambiar las presentes condiciones en cualquier momento. Si las modificaciones constituyen un cambio sustancial en los términos, notify posting an ad on this website.

The services offered are available only to legal entities and individuals who have at least have 18 year old.

Seller ID

Under the provisions of the Law 34/2002 Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), The following information is provided:

  • Its name is: José Vicente Martínez Arias
  • Its CIF / NIF: 45674942R
  • Su domicilio social está en Calle Lauaxeta nº 15 3ºC, 48980- Santurce, Bizkaia – Spain
  • Your Identification in AGPD: "Users and web subscribers," "Customers and suppliers"
  • Social activity is: Online marketing services and sales of books in digital format

services offered on this website offers the following services:

  • Advertising and affiliate.

As a condition to contract the services offered, estás obligado a registrarte en el formulario correspondiente de y proporcionar información de registro. La información de registro que proporciones debe ser precisa, completa y actualizada en todo momento. El no hacerlo constituye una violación de los términos, which may result in the dissolution of the contract with

Third-party solutions

Some services may include third-party solutions. may provide links to third party websites associated with as partners for the provision of some services.

Aceptas también que el Servicio puede incluir soluciones de seguridad que limita el uso y que deberás usar estos servicios de acuerdo con las reglas de uso establecidos por y sus Partners de seguridad y que cualquier otro uso puede constituir un derecho de autor infracción.

It is prohibited to alter, avoid, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or alter in any way the security technology provided by for any reason.

Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability.

Prices and payment

You agree to pay the contracted services to in the forms of payment accepted by and any additional amount (including taxes and late fees, as appropriate).

Payment is always in advance of 100% y los servicios serán suministrados cuando confirmemos el pago. Los precios aplicables a cada producto y/o servicio son los indicados en la página web en la fecha del pedido.

Common system of European Union Value Added Tax

In response to the provisions of the Law 37/1992, from 28 from December, reguladora de dicho impuesto y la Directiva Europea 2008/8/CE, the operation may be exempt or not subject to the same depending on the country of residence of the buyer and the condition in which it operates the same (businessman / professional or private). In consecuense, in some cases the final price of the order can be altered relative to set forth on the website.

The price of the services or information products sold by includes Spanish VAT. Nevertheless, the final price of your order may vary depending on the VAT rate that applies to the order. For orders destined for other countries in the European Union, Spanish VAT will be deducted and the tax rate corresponding VAT will be applied to the destination country. The final price is displayed for confirmation of your order and reflect the tax rate corresponding VAT to the country of destination of the products.

Los precios de los Servicios pueden cambiar en cualquier momento a discreción única y exclusiva de Los Servicios no brindan protección de precios o reembolsos en el caso de reducción de precios u ofertas promocionales.


Mode and reasonable use of the support

Los servicios deben ser solicitados a través de los canales adecuados para ser recibidos y respondidos en un plazo razonable de tiempo. Dichos canales son los respectivos formularios ubicados en cada uno de los servicios ofertados.

Each application is subject to evaluation and approval by can provide alternative solutions including customer referral network of partners

Fair use clause

El término “ilimitado” está sujeto a una cláusula de uso razonable. La definición del uso razonable se determina por, a su discreción única y exclusiva. Los clientes que considere que abusan del servicio serán contactados por reserves the right to suspend service if we consider that exceeds the fair use clause.


Is confidential all information and documentation used during recruitment, development and implementation of contractual terms governing relations between José Vicente Martínez Arias and Customer. One that confidential information is disclosed by agreement between the Parties shall mean, one that becomes public for the same reason or that it has to be disclosed in accordance with the law or a court decision of competent authority and that which is obtained by a third party that is not under any obligation of confidentiality. Both parties undertake to fulfill the duty of confidentiality and to keep for a minimum period of two (2) years after completion of the aforementioned contractual conditions governing relations José Vicente Martínez Arias and Customer.

Any information received by the customer whether images, texts, access data such as usernames and passwords for WordPress, hosting or other, It will be treated confidentially, transfer to third parties being strictly forbidden unless we consent and always with the same purpose in which data have been obtained.

Exclusion of liability not guarantee the availability of service under this contract is continuous and uninterrupted, nor loss of data that are hosted on their servers, interruption of business activities or any damage arising from the operation of services, or the expectations Customer, as a consequence of :

1. Causas ajenas al control de y causas fortuitas y/o de causa mayor.

2. Averías causadas por usos incorrectos por parte del Cliente, especially those derived from hiring an inadequate service for the type of activity and use by the customer and / or third parties through its website.

3. Paradas programadas y/o alteraciones en el contenido realizadas de mutuo acuerdo entre las partes para el mantenimiento o realización de actuaciones excepcionales previamente pactadas.

4. Virus, computer attacks and / or other actions of third parties that cause the total or partial impossibility of providing services.

5. Incorrecto o deficiente funcionamiento de Internet.

6. Otras circunstancias imprevisibles.

In this way, Customer agrees to bear within reasonable limits these circumstances, therefore expressly disclaims José Vicente Martínez claim Arias any contract or tort liability for possible failures, errors and use of the service contract.

José Vicente Martínez Arias will not be liable in any way for any errors or damage caused by inefficient use and bad faith of Customer Service. Shall not be liable José Vicente Martínez Arias of the major or minor consequences for the lack of communication between José Vicente Martínez Arias and Customer when attributable to non-functioning email provided or falsity of the information provided by the Client user registration of

Causes of dissolution of the contract

The dissolution of the service contract may occur at any time by any of the two parts.

You are not required to stay with conditions if you are not satisfied with our service. may terminate or suspend any and all services contracted immediately, without notice or liability, if you do not fulfill the conditions here exposed.

A dissolution of the contract, Your right to use the Services will immediately cease.

They will be grounds for dissolution of contract:

  • falsehood, in whole or in part, the data supplied in the process of hiring any service.
  • Change, avoid, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or alter in any way the security technology provided by
  • Also cases of abuse support services by the requirement of more hours than stipulated in the contract.

The solution involves the loss of its rights over the contracted service.

Validity of prices and

The services offered on the web, and prices of these, will be available for purchase while in the service catalog displayed by the website. users who access updated versions of the website are asked to avoid pricing errors.

commercial discontinuance

El desistimiento es la facultad de un consumidor de un bien para devolverlo al comercio within a legal deadline 14 days, without having to plead or give any explanation or suffer a penalty.

The right of withdrawal can not be exercised (except for error or defect in the product or service contracted), in the following cases provided by Article 45 of the Trade Act:

  • Contratos de suministro de bienes confeccionados conforme a las especificaciones del consumidor o claramente personalizados, or what, by nature, they can not be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.
  • Contratos de suministro de grabaciones sonoras o de vídeo, de discos y de programas informáticos que hubiesen sido desprecintados por el consumidor, as well as computer files, provided electronically, that can be downloaded or reproduced immediately for permanent use character.
  • And in general all those products ordered distance to be made to our measure: clothes, photo revealed, etc., or are likely to copy (books, music, video game, etc.).

The withdrawal period in digital content products (as infoproductos), It shall be suspended when the keys are used for access to digital content.

Likewise, may proceed to terminate the contract if not performed by the user the appropriate payment or incurred some of the actions set out in paragraph causes dissolution of the contract.

How to cancel the service contract

If you want to cancel your contract with, you must contact us with a request for withdrawal of the contract before the service has started running contracted (ver proceso y formulario de desistimiento abajo). customer guarantees reimbursement of sums paid within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of reliable communication from exercising their right of withdrawal provided that it meets the requirements and has been accepted by

Consequences of withdrawal

In case of withdrawal on your part, we will refund all payments received us you made without undue delay and, in any case, later than 14 calendar days from the date on which you are reporting to us your decision to withdraw from this contract and provided it has notified 10 days before the date of commencement of the contracted work.

We proceed to carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment used by you for the initial transaction, unless it has been explicitly otherwise; in any case, will not incur any costs as a result of repayment.

If the service under this contract had begun during the withdrawal period (14 days) , in accordance with Article 108.3 of the law 1/2007, José Vicente Martínez Arias may retain a prorated to the service,, including support service and, in the event that the service has been fully rendered, in accordance with Article 103rd of the Act, the right of withdrawal shall not apply.

Corresponding to payments made by Paypal or Stripe refunds will be made through the same channel, while any other refund will be made by bank transfer to an account provided by the customer. The refund will do in the following 14 calendar days from the date on which we are informed of its decision of withdrawal.

All services we have provided you, by their nature they survive dissolution if they are paid in full, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnification and limitations of liability.

Model claim form or withdrawal

The user / purchaser shall notify the claim or withdrawal, either via email to: vmartinez arroba o bien por correo postal en la dirección indicada en el formulario de desistimiento.

Copy and paste this form in Word, the completeness and you send it by email or post.


Attn José Vicente Martínez Arias
Calle Lauaxeta nº 15 3ºC, 48980- Santurce, Bizkaia – Spain

vmartinez arroba

Por la presente le comunico que reclamo/ desisto del contrato de venta del siguiente bien/prestación del siguiente servicio …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Contracted day:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

In case of complaint indicates the reason:

SI CONTRATÓ UN CRÉDITO AL CONSUMO para financiar la compra realizada a distancia incluya el siguiente texto en su notificación de desistimiento:

Se le notifica igualmente que según el artículo 29 of the law 16/2011, from 24 June credit agreements, que puesto que se he desistido del contrato suministro de bienes/servicios y se financió totalmente/parcialmente mediante un crédito vinculado, I'll be bound by such credit agreement without penalty.

Then enter your name as a consumer and user or consumer and user:

Now enter your address as a consumer and user or consumer and user:

Indicates the date when you claim / contract repentest:

Sign your claim form / waiver if it is notified José Vicente Martínez Arias
on paper


La devolución del importe se realizará en los siguientes 14 calendar days from the date your return is approved.


Is confidential all information and documentation used during recruitment, desarrollo y ejecución de los servicios que regulan las relaciones entre y el Cliente/ Contratante de Publicidad.

Any information received by the customer whether images, post, texts, access data such as user names and passwords, It will be treated confidentially, being totally prohibited transfer to third parties.

One that confidential information is disclosed by agreement between the Parties shall mean, one that becomes public for the same reason or that it has to be disclosed in accordance with the law or a court decision of competent authority and that which is obtained by a third party that is not under any obligation of confidentiality. Both parties undertake to fulfill the duty of confidentiality indefinitely.

Personal data protection

According to the Organic Law 15/1999, from 13 from December, Protection of Personal Data, José Vicente Martínez Arias informa al usuario que existe un fichero de datos de carácter personal identificado como “Clientes/Proveedores” creado por y bajo responsabilidad de José Vicente Martínez Arias con las finalidades adecuadas al tratamiento entre las que se encuentran:

a) Management of legal and economic relations between the owner and its customers.

b) La Gestión del contrato de servicios con el cliente.

To the extent that they have authorized the applicant; It is responsibility to the accuracy of the same.

Not to show otherwise, the owner of the data expressly consents total or partial treatment authorized such data by the time necessary to accomplish the purposes indicated above.

José Vicente Martínez Arias is committed to fulfilling its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to protect, y de adoptar las medidas de seguridad exigidas por la legislación aplicable para evitar su alteración, lost, treatment or unauthorized access, siempre de acuerdo al estado de la tecnología disponible.

El usuario podrá dirigir tus comunicaciones y ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectification, cancelación y oposición a través de correo electrónico: vmartinez arroba junto con prueba válida en derecho, a photocopy of D.N.I. or the equivalent, with the subject "DATA PROTECTION".

Estos términos están sujetos a la política de privacidad de José Vicente Martínez Arias

Limitación de responsabilidad , se reserva la facultad de efectuar, at any time and without notice, modificaciones y actualizaciones de la información contenida en la Web, de la configuración y presentación de ésta, de las condiciones de acceso, condiciones de contratación, etc. Por lo que el USUARIO deberá acceder a versiones actualizadas de la página.

En ningún caso es responsable frente a cualquier incumplimiento del contrato que se produzca por su parte, negligencia respecto al sitio, el servicio o cualquier contenido, por cualquier perdida beneficios, pérdida de uso, o los daños reales, especiales, indirectos, incidentales, punitivos o consecuentes de cualquier tipo derivados del mal uso por tu parte de las herramientas suministradas.

La única responsabilidad de, será suministrar el servicio de contratación publicitaria en los términos y condiciones expresados en la presente política de contratación. no responderá de ninguna consecuencia, daño o perjuicio que pudieran derivarse del uso indebido de los productos o servicios suministrados.

Propiedad intelectual e industrial

José Vicente Martínez Arias es titular de todos los derechos de propiedad industrial e intelectual de la página, y de los elementos contenidos en la misma entre los que se encuentran las revistas descargables en la web.

Está estrictamente prohibido modificar, transmitir, distribuir, reutilizar, reenviar o usar la totalidad o parte del contenido de la página para propósitos públicos o comerciales sin la autorización de José Vicente Martínez Arias .

La infracción de cualquiera de los citados derechos puede constituir una vulneración de las presentes disposiciones, así como un delito castigado de acuerdo con los arts. 270 y ss. del vigente Código Penal.

En el caso de que el usuario desee comunicar alguna incidencia, comentario o efectuar alguna reclamación, podrá remitir un correo electrónico a vmartinez arroba indicando su nombre y apellidos, el servicio adquirido y exponiendo los motivos de su reclamación.

Para contactar con José Vicente Martínez Arias o plantear cualquier duda, cuestión o reclamación puede utilizar el siguiente medio:

* E-mail: vmartinez arroba


El idioma en que se celebrará el contrato entre y el Cliente es el castellano.

Jurisdicción y leyes aplicables y EL USUARIO, se regirán para dirimir cualquier controversia que pudiera derivarse del acceso, o uso de esta página Web, por la legislación española, y se someten a los Juzgados y Tribunales de la ciudad de Bizkaia.


Cookies on this site are used to personalize content and ads, offer social networking features and analyze traffic. further, We share information about your use of the website with our partners social networking, advertising and web analytics, who can combine it with other information provided to them or they have gathered from who has made use of its services. See details, Click the link for more information cookies policy.

Notice of cookies